Looking back on five years of Klimbos Garderen

Posted on Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Looking back on five years of Klimbos Garderen"Five years ago, we opened our Klimbos in Garderen. What started with three courses has now grown into a beautiful climbing park with no fewer than seven courses. And not to forget, this year we were voted the second best active outing in the Netherlands!"

The interview below with Erik Kroon, owner and initiator of Klimbos Garderen, appeared in the Barneveldse Krant of 27 June. His next step is to develop Garderen further and put it on the map as the Veluwe's first 'outdoor' village. Kroon is already doing this with the bicycle rental chain VeluweSpecialist, which, like Klimbos Garderen, is part of SOS Events BV. At VeluweSpecialist, tourists can rent bicycles, e-bikes, (e-)mountain bikes, balance bikes and twizys, among other things, including beautiful routes across the Veluwe. "In addition, we are making plans with various entrepreneurs and regions to connect Garderen to an ATB network, bridle paths and hiking trails."

Klimbos Garderen expects to welcome 40,000 visitors this year, making it the most popular and highest rated Klimbos in the Veluwe region in just five years. "We are not only the highest rated Klimbos, but also the safest. And the latter is what our visitors appreciate most. Because it gives you a sense of security when you know that your children and you yourself are constantly stuck on the course," says Kroon. Klimbos Garderen is suitable for young and old, school trips, sports training courses, children's parties, family and company outings, and also for institutions with children who are difficult to raise and people with disabilities.

Read the complete article in the Barneveldse Krant
Book your best outing in Klimbos Garderen too

Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09:00, 09:15, 09:30 or 10:00 and benefit of a nice discount.
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