Trainees say goodbye!

Posted on Monday, 10 July 2017

Trainees say goodbye!Some interns did their training for 6 months and some even for a year. Last Saturday the interns were put in the limelight during the annual SOS Summer BBQ. And rightly so of course! One of them graduated and another one finished his marketing internship successfully. Others had an internship of a sports training in our country. Klimbos Garderen and at the VeluweSpecialist.

SOS Events is a popular internship company for HBO and MBO students who like to do something with events and outdoors. SOS Events has been an official internship company since 1999. You work and prepare events, work in the marketing department, answer the phone at the reception and support the sales department. Of course, this depends on which course you are following.

Many interns return to SOS Events as part-timers and some grow into full-timers. Do you want to know which internships we have available? Check the vacancies here!

Bram, Rens, Marije, Nienke, Reinier, Chiem and Jorik: thanks a lot for your efforts and see you soon!

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Then come in the morning climb at 09:00, 09:15, 09:30 or 10:00 and benefit of a nice discount.
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