Meeting new alderman of Barneveld in Klimbos

Posted on Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Meeting new alderman of Barneveld in KlimbosGo Barneveld, the tourism platform of the municipality of Barneveld, had a meeting with the new alderman Mrs Dorrestijn yesterday morning. In the past 12 years, alderman van den Hengel has been the one to boost the tourist climate in Barneveld. But now it is Mrs Dorrestijn's turn, because for the next few years she will have tourism in her portfolio.

Tourism is an important pillar in the municipality and Ms Dorrestijn was visibly enthusiastic about the developments Go Barneveld is undertaking to connect the tourist to the region and municipality. In addition, Erik Kroon, owner of Klimbos Garderen, located in the municipality of Barneveld, gave a short presentation on his attraction, which attracts 65,000 visitors per year.

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