New course completed and opened

Posted on Friday, 15 March 2013

New course completed and openedThe construction of our fourth course went very fast: Earlier we reported that the construction had only just startedNow we can proudly announce that the course is officially open!

"The request for a fourth, slightly less high course came more and more frequently from our visitors," says Niels Mussies, manager of the Klimbos in Garderen. "We had three exciting and challenging courses up to 18 metres high and full of exciting obstacles, but for children and novice climbers this step was literally and figuratively too high. With the arrival of the fourth course, people can first get used to the height: it does not go any higher than five metres and so the first fears can be conquered more easily.

"The fourth course, which we call the Fun-Parcours, contains eight new elements and ends with a zip line. The elements encountered are a large V-net, a Japanese bridge, slanting barrels, islands in the air with liana branches, a bridge with three seesaws, a spider web where you climb vertically and the lianas swing, which ends in a net. To get back to the ground, visitors take a zip line, after which there will be plenty of time to try out the other courses," says Niels.

The climbing forest in Garderen on the Veluwe has been opened every weekend and Wednesday afternoon. You are cordially invited to come and see the new course. If you are up to the challenge Book here Buy your tickets directly online. Would you like to visit the climbing forest with your company for the annual company outingthen we recommend contacting SOS Events from Uddel: they will be happy to prepare a tailor-made programme for you!

Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09:00, 09:15, 09:30 or 10:00 and benefit of a nice discount.
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