Heat plan in the climbing forests too

Posted on Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Everyone has been overcome by heat and is doing everything possible to find a little cooling. The Klimbos in Garderen and the Klimbos in Harderwijk treat their visitors to a bit of coolness too. Of course, plenty of water is distributed to the fanatical climbers and thirsty dogs. But the instructors also have new equipment: a super soaker water pistol! Throughout the day, they spray the children nice and wet so that they can start the next course fresh and fruity again.

At the new climbing forest in Harderwijk, they go one step further: besides the water pistols, they have also placed a swimming pool under the Free Fall. This way, everyone can make a free fall of 16 metres, after which you land in the pool. A very nice way of refreshment so that the children can enjoy the next climbing course. With a lot of enthusiastic reactions as a result.

Climbing in the shade of the trees and with these cooling measures, a fun day of climbing is not a bad idea at all! Both climbing forests are open every day throughout the summer. Curious to see what this looks like? Then check out the Facebook page of Klimbos Garderen or Klimbos Harderwijk.

Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09:00, 09:15, 09:30 or 10:00 and benefit of a nice discount.
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