Klimbos Garderen gets 10th course!

Posted on Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Klimbos Garderen gets 10th course!Whether we sit still in these winter months? Certainly not! Apart from various adjustments at the entrance and the catering kiosk, we are also busy with our new 10th course. Because we noticed that some climbers find the start at great height rather exciting, we have chosen to realise a course at 2 metres. It promises to be a fun course!

The course consists of, among other things, a hole bridge, sliding beam, climbing net and a tractor. This diverse course is not very high and is perfect for starting your climbing adventure. A real course to warm up with. And a nice detail: thanks to the expansion, we can again call ourselves the largest and highest climbing forest in the Netherlands! Nice, isn't it?

It is, of course, very nice to have such an extension, but it does pose a problem. What are we going to call the 10th course? We would like to ask for your help! Do you have a nice idea? Then let us know in a comment under our Facebook or Instagram message. And who knows, maybe you will soon be climbing a course that you yourself have invented the name of!

Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09:00, 09:15, 09:30 or 10:00 and benefit of a nice discount.
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