Group 8 camp is cancelled, what now?

Posted on Tuesday, 9 June 2020

For many primary school pupils of group 8 it is a drama. Their musical cannot go on and the final camp has been cancelled. Drama for thousands of kids who were eagerly looking forward to the camp. A camp of partying, not sleeping and being in an unknown place with each other.

With our climbing forests in Garderen and Harderwijk, we always have many schools coming to visit us during these weeks. Some stay in a group accommodation nearby and come on their bikes. Others stay a bit further away and come by bus. It is a coming and going, and always very cosy! And yes, we miss those enthusiastic kids as well!

That is why we notice that many parents take the reins and organise a day out for the children of grade 8. The latter was also noticed by Erik Kroon, owner of SOS Events and the climbing forests. His own daughter is in Year 8 and has therefore come up with a number of arrangements. "Of course, a day away is not as much fun as a camp, but the options we now offer are much appreciated. We have made a special arrangement for the group 8ers with climbing, archery and a cool game by smartphone. This can all take place in and around our climbing forests. With of course a lunch at our large and high picnic tables.

Are you still looking for an outing for group 8, or do you still want to organise a school trip? Come to Klimbos Garderen or Harderwijk and choose an exciting, fun and unforgettable day. The kids have earned it!

More information: 0577-401506 or

Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09:00, 09:15, 09:30 or 10:00 and benefit of a nice discount.
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